Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Handmade Soap Etiquette

Who knew that there was such a thing as etiquette for your handmade soap… but leave it to us to figure it out!

Soap Etiquette is very simple & very important to the life our your bar.  Just by taking a few simple steps will make the life of your soap much longer.
  1. Cut your handmade soap in half.  It will make the total bar last longer.Soap Stack on Soap Dish
    • Store your other half in a place that it can breath.
  2. Don’t let your handmade soap sit in a puddle.
  3. Don’t let your handmade soap have water constantly running over it (of course while you’re using it water is a-ok, just not when you’re not.)
  4. Make sure your handmade soap can breathe when it is not in use.
    • Don’t store your soap in plastic bags or containers.
All in all the rule of thumb is… The Longer a Handmade Soap Dries the Longer it will Last.
If good Soap Etiquette is used, a handmade soap can easily outlast a commercial bar.

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