Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rinse at Epcot’s F&W Festival – Part IIII

After setting everything up and getting into my “groove” everything else seemed to just fly by.  My responsibilities were pretty much 5-fold while I was there:

  1. Sleep
  2. Eat
  3. Sell Soap
  4. Make Soap
  5. Stay Healthy

I have to say, I was pretty much successful at all of the above. My days consisted of:

Waking up @ 7:30 am; Out the Door by 8:30 am; On-Stage (that’s Disney’s term for being in my space  ready for guests) by 9:00 am; Head Home at 9:01 pm; In Bed by 11:00 pm to do it all again the next day.

Don’t let the grueling hours fool you.  It was truly a fun experience, through & through.  I befriended a couple of the College Program peeps who covered a few hours here and there for me so I could buy pants (I had the arctic blast blowing directly on me & silly me only brought capri’s), sleep in an extra few minutes and getting some other Rinse work done.  Out of the 540 hours of the festival I was present for at least 525 if them.

I also met some other amazing people, both guests and cast members, that made my stay so very comfortable & fun. 

I was fortunate enough to sit at the Chef’s table every now & again for dinner, breakfast or an occasional snack. So, maybe it wasn’t a table but more like a plate (paper or plastic) at either a table in a kinda dark hallway for the exit of the old Buzzy ride or sitting on a golf cart right outside the doors.  But I gotta tell you, the food was fabulous!

My space tended to accumulate the cast members smelling all that was new and old and sharing their Rinse success stories.  The favorite items… Speppermint Shave Soap (Ashley’s –one of the event manager’s favorite); Dead Sea Mud & Salt Polish (Robert’s – one of the security host’s favorite); Cioccolato Soap (which I was so surprised that Steve didn’t take a bite out of it) and of course the Cabernet Soap (Jase’s – he who made sure I was well taken care of’s favorite.)  What was so nice about the cast members drifting to my space was that there was always someone around to help pass the occasional slow times & just to talk with in general.

The guests were just as good to me as the cast members.  They were very receptive to Rinse and our story.  They purchased products and then would come back to tell me how much they loved it.  I saw guests several times during their visit and some even made a point to come and say goodbye before they left.  Within the first week of the festival I had blog posts and emails from guests cheering us on… and those haven’t stopped coming even 3 weeks after the festival ended.

This (and a million more moments) confirmed exactly why I went and why I would go back in a heartbeat.

to be cont…

1 comment:

Tina Engberg said...

Sounds like an incredible adventure. I talked to Erica at the Pace Fair back in October. Glad to know you're back. Wearing honey lip balm right now!